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Get to Know About QWOP 2 Players

QWOP 2 Players is a challenging game where two players control runners using specific keys on the keyboard. Each player uses four keys to move their runner’s thighs and calves, trying to make them run without falling over. The game is known for its difficult controls, making it both frustrating and funny as players struggle to coordinate their runner’s movements.

In this game, Player 1 uses the Q, W, E, and R keys, while Player 2 uses the U, I, O, and P keys. The goal is to move your runner as far as possible along the track. Because controlling the runner is so tricky, even moving a short distance can be a big achievement.

Playing QWOP 2 Players with a friend can lead to lots of laughter. As both of you try to figure out the best way to move your runners, you’ll likely see them stumble and fall in hilarious ways. It’s a game that tests your patience and coordination, and it’s rewarding when you finally make progress.